
[English below]
7月29、30日 豊原小学校の4年生を対象にしたキャンプが一泊二日 琴南町 健康ふれあいキャンプ場で行われました。

参加児童78名 (豊原校区子ども会育成連絡協議会 主催)

1日目はテントを張り 、川遊び、飯盒炊飯、カレー作り、ドラム缶風呂、夜のゲーム、星空観測

2日目はスイカ割り、竹でお箸と器を作り 流しソーメンを食べました。



毎年 その問いに答え続けて、子ども達の記憶に残るキャンプを行っています。

On July 29th & 30th, the 4th grade students from Toyohara Elementary School went on a two day camping trip to Kotonami at Kenkofureai Camp Grounds.
78 children participated on the trip which was sponsored by the Toyohara School District Children’s Welfare Association.

On the first day the kids raised their tents, played in the river, cooked curry and rice using camping utensils, bathed in metal drums, played games at night, and went star watching.

On day two they had watermelon, made chopsticks and containers from bamboo, and ate nagashi somen. (This is when somen noodles are funneled down a bamboo tube. You stop them with your chopsticks and eat them. This is common in summer in Japan.)

Unfortunately, these types of children’s camping trips have become less common within the prefecture.
Every year we receive questions from parents asking what would happen in the case of an emergency since there aren’t any teachers.
Despite the slight risk, this camping experience will be a lasting memory for the kids.

